Saturday 16 July 2011

RANDOM GLORY a frankenstienian romance (Kindle Edition)

RANDOM GLORY a frankenstienian romance
RANDOM GLORY a frankenstienian romance (Kindle Edition)
By Gerard Labrecque

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First tagged by Gerard Labrecque
Customer tags: halloween, frankenstein, humor, fantasy

Review & Description

Richard Random, is unaware that he is one of the two last living bastard children of Frankenstein's monster, and heir to all of Doctor Frankenstein's land. While he tries to build his own version of the American dream, he falls in love with the lovely Veterinarian Doctor Mary Jane Lupin.(MJ) Together with their friends: Fred E Gore. Jane Bondz, Suzie Fletcher and Bettie, they are able to stay alive dodging the bumbling assassins sent by the evil Duke Cornelius Magnus. Magnus, "want to be," leader of the werewolves and current owner of the Frankenstein estate will stop at nothing to rid the world of any possible rightful heirs to the land he now rules.
A comedy of innocents, love, murder, and a desire to procreate set the stage for this hilarious fantasy of erotic comedy.
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