Monday 11 July 2011

Pumpkinnapper (Kindle Edition)

Pumpkinnapper (Kindle Edition)
By Linda Banche

Review & Description

Pumpkin thieves, a youthful love rekindled, and a jealous goose. Oh my!

Last night someone tried to steal the widowed Mrs. Emily Metcalfe's pumpkins. She's certain the culprit is her old childhood nemesis and the secret love of her youth, whom she hasn't seen in ten years.

Henry, Baron Grey has never forgotten the girl he loved, but couldn’t pursue, and so decides to catch Emily's would-be thief. Even after she reveals his childhood nickname--the one he would rather forget. And even after her jealous pet goose bites him in an embarrassing place.

Oh, the things a man will do for love. Read more

Find out More for the best price at Amazon

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