Thursday 16 February 2012

The Spooky Haunted SchoolHouse (Spooky Children's Books) (Kindle Edition)

The Spooky Haunted SchoolHouse (Spooky Children's Books)
The Spooky Haunted SchoolHouse (Spooky Children's Books) (Kindle Edition)
By Jan Thornton

Review & Description

Deep in the backwoods of
Spooky Haunted Hollow lies
a small schoolhouse. Their
teacher is a gentle intelligent
skeleton. Yes, a skeleton, but
he is admired by all. A mean
inspector arrives who wants
to remove this teacher...but
then the inspector disappears...

This book is fun for all ages.
Rhyming wordsDeep in the backwoods of
Spooky Haunted Hollow lies
a small schoolhouse. Their
teacher is a gentle intelligent
skeleton. Yes, a skeleton, but
he is admired by all. A mean
inspector arrives who wants
to remove this teacher...but
then the inspector disappears...

This book is fun for all ages.
Rhyming words Read more

Find out More for the best price at Amazon

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