Wednesday 30 March 2011

The Golden Scorpion: Another Sax Rohmer Sizzler (Carefully formatted by Timeless Classic Books) (Kindle Edition)

The Golden Scorpion: Another Sax Rohmer Sizzler (Carefully formatted by Timeless Classic Books)
The Golden Scorpion: Another Sax Rohmer Sizzler (Carefully formatted by Timeless Classic Books) (Kindle Edition)
By Sax Rohmer

Review & Description

The Goblins are gracious to the wise people now, but they were not always so. A long, long time ago, on a Christmas-eve, the Fairy-folk were having great sport. All the little people of the Unseen-world had gathered together in the Earth-realm. There were Brownies, and Gnomes, and Elves; even some little Cherubs had joined them. They were having a wild dance and a gay time when who should appear but Kris Kringle! Now the Fairies did not know that he was a Magician, or Seer, and so they tried to make sport of him. But Kris by his wonderful magic, changed them into the most beautiful toys. They became straight little jumping-jacks, and dolls in bright dresses, and the dearest little rabbit with white, soft fur. And somewhere in the bottom of the sleigh one was turned into a cute little Teddy-bear. Then old Kris tucked all these toys into his roomy sleigh, and shook the reins of his waiting steed. "Go on!" he said, "For I've many, many a chimney to reach tonight." Read more

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